How to Support Local Agriculture

Buying Local helps to preserve the character of our community, strengthen our local economy, and save family farms. Consider purchasing from farm stands, farmers markets, or CSAs, and request local products in grocery stores and restaurants.

Advocate for farm friendly regulations in your community by speaking up at meetings of local boards and commissions. Letting municipal officials know that non-farming residents value agriculture can go a long way.

Enjoy the natural surroundings that local farms support. While there may be some occasional inconveniences in living near a farm – like getting stuck behind a tractor on your way to work – remind yourself of the benefits that farms bring to your community and family. Open space, scenery, wildlife habitat, fresh fruits and vegetables and cleaner soil, air, and water to name a few.Visit one of your area farms and enjoy the benefits of having farm neighbors.

Communicate with your farming neighbors. Simply being neighborly can build trust and help both parties understand each other’s needs and concerns. Most farmers can be very accommodating, but remember that farming is a 24/7 business. If you have any concerns or if activities on a farm are somehow impacting you, talk it over first as neighbors. Your local Agricultural Commission can help out if a solution proves difficult.

Learn about the agricultural practices of your farming neighbor. The more you know, the more supportive you can be.